Saturday, October 15, 2011

Novel Ideas

Greetings, Scholars!

In 5th Grade, we are deep in the heart of The Secret Garden, and exploring the literary element of character arc.  We are noticing some changes that are occurring in the characters of Mary and Colin and discussing the IB profiles we see in these characters.  What have you noticed?  How has Mary changed?  Is she beginning to fit more profiles?  Which ones?  What is your evidence?

In 6th Grade, we have begun our reading adventure in The Iliad with a discussion of the tragic hero and his/her tragic flaw.  What do you think are the qualities that make Achilles a tragic hero?  What is his tragic flaw, and what is your evidence?  Does Achilles fit any of the IB profiles?  Which ones?

I hope you are enjoying our novel studies and your analysis of these great characters!  I look forward to reading your thoughts!